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I enjoyed this book by John Stossel, very much, as he has the courage of his convictions. He has the guts to go after what he believes needs investigating and exposing, and then reports his findings. Some findings were alarming like when he sent his urine sample with female friends to certain abortion doctors, and were told they were pregnant! Or, the organic food hoax. Stossel takes on big government departments, make-up companies, the War on Poverty, drugs, and capitalism. He is not liked by some, loved by others, but he manages to come across as a caring consumer advocate - always on the lookout for who's conning whom, the excessive (and often unnecessary) and extravagant government spending, and for ways to expose those taking unfair advantage of others. I enjoyed his frank approach and his belief that he is doing the right thing. A lot of it makes sense but unfortunately, nowadays, many people aren't open to seeing both sides. Judge for yourself.
Give Me A Break - How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media
by John Stossel
ISBN 0-06-052914-8
Published January 2004 - Hardcover - 294 pages - $24.95
Conclusion - Very interesting.
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