Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2004

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I Am What I Ate and I'm Frightened!!!
by Bill Cosby
ISBN 0-06-054573-9
Published October 2003 - Hardcover - 184 pages

Not Mr. Cosby's funniest book (I usually howl hysterically while reading his work) but I nevertheless chuckled.  When one ages and reaches a certain age, certain things change, or go wrong.  In Mr. Cosby's case, he's no different from any of us, well, slightly different, only he's much more observant and sees the humor when we see the writing on the wall.  I love his ability to tell a story from the everyday things, making you want to kick yourself for crying when you could have been laughing at the same things too.  No one, least of all his long-suffering wife, is safe in his immediate surrounds.  I enjoyed reading his reminiscings of what he liked to eat, and often had to sneak, and why his doctor says he can no longer part-take in certain delicacies (is pizza a delicacy?) and treats.  Sad, but true, and that goes for all of us.  He also includes the very necessary "exercises" we all should be taking, as well as confronting his baldness, smoking (very funny), and food.  I love Bill Cosby's sense of humor and this book is no exception.
Conclusion - A great gift or just something humorous for yourself. BookBrowser

Review copy not supplied by publisher - library copy reviewed.

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