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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
This is an interpretation of the Tao Te Ching as Dr. Wayne Dyer sees and experiences it. All 81 verses from Lao-tzu are given, along with essays on how to apply them. The Tao has long been a source of inspiration to many people seeking answers in this life. In the Tao they've found "joy, peace, and balance". After much research, trial, and error, Dr. Dyer came to his own conclusions and presents them to us in this book. Dr. Dyer says in his preface, "As you read Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, you're going to find your way through Lao-tzu's magical and practical philosophy, along with the joy of applying it to your life in today's modern world." Now, so many of us are searching, consciously and subconsciously, for the meaning of life, or at least for some explanation or reason for our own lives. Dr. Dyer is no different, and he's made it a whole lot easier for us mere mortals to come to grips with the Tao, if you are so inclined. At the end of each of Dr. Dyer's essays is a "Do the Tao Now" passage to help us "do" that particular message. He also suggests we go through this book slowly - it's pretty deep - and trying to take it in page after page will just confuse you. I liked the 3rd verse, which to me, makes sense. However, much of this is common sense (I've just published a book on common sense), and use of the Golden Rule, with a dash of humility, is all you need, in my opinion. If you're looking for a delightfully simple understanding of the Tao, then this is the book for you. I like that you can pick any page at random to read and contemplate for the day.
by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Hay House, Inc.
ISBN 1-4019-1184-3
Published August 2007 - Hardcover - 395 pages - $26.95
Visit Dr. Wayne Dyer's website. I did not completely read this book.
Conclusion - This is a quietly peaceful way to understand the Tao. Inspirational.
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