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A very basically written but nevertheless poignant story of Mixed Martial Arts champion Jens Pulver's struggle to become the Ultimate Fighting Championship's lightweight champion. Leaving his destructive and abusive childhood (his father had the barrel of his gun in Jens' mouth!) in Seattle, he headed east to Boise, Idaho, and to a new life. Read how this determined, yet still troubled young man, starts his life all over again. Full of candid recollections, enough to disturb even the hardest of hearts, this is a truly inspiring read. This young man's battle with life and subsequent victorious outcome gives everyone hope. It's a graphic and brutal account of a sport I had not heard of but unfortunately, this book ends with many unanswered questions like, what happen to his girlfriend; how did his father die; and what happened to his other brother and sister, or, when in time this all took place. His own story is neatly wrapped up however, well almost.
Little Evil - One Ultimate Fighter's Rise to the Top
by Jens Pulver with Erich Krauss
ECW Press
ISBN 1-55022-567-7
Published September 2003 - Paperback - 180 pages
Conclusion - Very enlightening and has you rooting for the underdog.
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