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Garden Anywhere - How To Grow Gorgeous Container Gardens, Herb Gardens, and More Without Spending a Fortune
by Alys Fowler
Chronicle Books
ISBN 978-08118-6875-4
Published March 2009 - Softcover - 192 pages - $24.95
I love the sound of this book's title because its message is that you can grow something, somewhere. And for some people, that's all they need. A little something. Even if it's some herbs on the kitchen windowsill. Alys Fowler is head gardener at BBC's Gardener's World and seems to know a thing or three about how to make something grow where apparently nothing will be good enough or plentiful enough or spacious enough. For some it's more than enough to have a few potted plants around to tend and nurture. Ms. Fowler says, "When you build a little, dig a bit, plant a little, harvest often, and, more important, don't try to do it all at once, nature works with you." I've seen this with people who have tiny vegetable gardens that they lovingly take care of. This book tells us what blooms where, when, and under what conditions. Fowler also offers great suggestions for your small spaces, whether you're there for a short while (renting) or for the long haul. I loved the Grocery-Store Gardening section where you can try growing lemon, avocado or pomegranate trees - not for fruit, for their appearance and fragrance. Also chickpeas and/or chilies. She also talks about soils, seedlings, the watering of plants, propagating, making compost, dealing with weeds, pests (loved the slug solution!), diseases, and lots more. The idea of drying and keeping herbs is interesting — see the picture on page 163 as an idea. Her tips for making your own boxes using scrap are fun.
Conclusion - Sound advice for anyone wishing for a spot of their own to grow something.
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