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Learning from the Heart - Lessons on Living, Loving, and Listening
by Daniel Gottlieb
ISBN 978-1-4027-4999-5
Published March 2008 - Hardcover - 170 pages - $17.95
If you think you know it all, and there are many of you who do, think again. Read Dan Gottlieb's book and you'll soon see that you don't know everything. Dr. Gottlieb's book is a look at a man's heart, how it feels, how it influences his thoughts, and what it teaches him. His words will give you food for thought as you search for the meaning of love and what it means to be human. You'll see another side to being a human and what his life means to him, what lessons he has learned (and is learning), and how we can look at ourselves and better our lives. Despite being a quadriplegic confined to a wheelchair, "confined" does not begin to describe what this incredibly sensitive man is: psychologist, family therapist, mental health expert, author, columnist, lecturer, and talk show host. All this from a man in a wheelchair. Bravo, sir. There are too many able-bodied people out there who aren't doing anything. One of Dr. Gottlieb's many lessons about life, is to listen. Not only to others, but to our own voices. He relates stories of his patients and from these we can see so much of ourselves, and with the doctor's help, get ourselves back on track. We're told how we can learn about ourselves from ourselves, from our children, from others, and from just about anyone anywhere. How's this sentence for enlightenment? "The truth is, if we become comfortable with who we are rather than who we think we should be, then we will be less insecure." I also love this sentence at the beginning of the book: "And no love is more profound than pure, openhearted selfless love." Amen.
Dr. Gottlieb is giving all of his royalties from this book to children's health organizations and charities.
See my review of Dr. Gottlieb's other book, Letters to Sam.
Conclusion - A charming look at life and how it should be lived. I love this man.
"I wrote this book because I have seen too many people work too hard for too many years trying to achieve something that cannot be found in achievements. They push themselves and their children to find security and happiness when everything deeply longed for is already right there. The message in my book is the same message any good grandfather would say to their grandchild: 'Come sit with me, rest, let's find out your wishes and fears. Let's find that beautiful piece of loving compassionate humanity that lives inside of all of us. But first, you must sit and rest.'" Dr. Daniel Gottlieb
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