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Hypertravel - 100 Countries in 2 Years - A Backpacker's Guide to the World and the Soul
by Hardie Karges
CreateSpace, North Charleston, NC
ISBN 9781467919289
Published January 2012 - Softcover - 310 pages - $17.50
Many people dream of traveling around the world. Many also dream of visiting every country on earth. Few do. Until Hardie Karges that is. Although the actual travel time is far less than the time it took, he only writes about the 100 countries he's seen on his endeavor. And "seeing" means physically being in the country, "regardless of whether a night passed or a meal was taken", or, "In short, for me stopovers count; flyovers don't". Karges also describes hypertravel as the "counting of your trip in countries, not days or weeks or months", and "hypertravel is making plans for Ethiopia while you're in Argentina". So, for most travelers who go from A to B to A, this would be completely different, not to mention challenging. This book is not your typical travel narrative, and neither is it a travel guide. Far from it. Karges' humor is evident, his observations abound, and he has the ability to pass along interesting information, albeit not nearly enough about each place. His journey starts in Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost region of Argentina and Chile. His insistence on staying at inexpensive hotels hits home, as I don't like shelling out good bucks just to sleep and shower in "posh" surroundings. Karges talks about some local customs, food (lots of comparisons to Chinese food???), climate, transportation, and more. He did get to see a huge number of countries, but I have to ask, did he see them? Things got a little tiresome with all the comparisons to Thailand (why?) instead of just reporting on where he was. I also didn't like all the use of texting abbreviations, like LMHO, btw or his use of "Homies". The book read a little like a whine-fest because of the constant nagging about the food, cheap hotels, bus/train/flights, the lack of English, etc. If you like the west so much, stay home and enjoy the comforts of home instead of complaining of what you can't get overseas. Rather enjoy the cultures, museums, people, and what you can get. I did like his Commandment of travel: travel light. Touché. A map indicating his route would have been helpful. As would at least a few photos.
Conclusion - It all sounded like a chore rather than an adventure. I read the first three chapters and then skipped to the South African leg for interest sake.
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