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This is a comedic account of Harmon Leon "testing the waters", or auditioning in various true-life situations. He gets up to things some of us often wish we had the courage to do. For example, he checks out what it's like to be a Phone Pyschic; poses as a movie director at the Cannes Film Festival; tries to join the Church of Scientology by posing as a famous German pop star; applies in person to rent a room in a non-smoking, vegetarian house, and pitches up eating a sausage and smoking a cigarette! He also tries to join the army, navy and marines. I enjoyed the characters he conjured up for himself in the different situations. His audacity is admirable and although I didn't find it hilariously funny, it was nevertheless a good laugh.
The Harmon Chronicles
by Harmon Leon
ECW Press
ISBN 1-55022-527-8
Published 2002 - Paperback - 250 pages
Conclusion - Got a birthday coming up?
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