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A Wife's Guide to In-Laws - How to Gain Your Husband's Loyalty Without Killing His Parents
by Jenna Barry
Lulu, Inc.
ISBN 978-0-557-02500-8
Published November 2008 - Softcover - 275 pages - $21.95
Author (and illustrator) Jenna Barry says in her Introduction, "A Wife's Guide to In-Laws is written from the perspective of a wife with difficult in-laws and a husband whose loyalties are divided". Now, we know about clingy parents (mom's mostly), who won't let go (Everybody Loves Raymond and now Momma's Boy), but not every new bride knows what actually is in store for her and her marriage. Thankfully there's this new book for brides-to-be to consider before taking the plunge. It will help you "diagnose" your future in-laws, pinpoint the type of people they are, how to set boundaries (good not only for in-laws), and attain your husband's loyalty. If not, it will help with the decision to head for the hills instead of the altar. Ms. Barry gives lots of quizzes (more like little questionnaires and constructive retorts) you can use to identify not only your in-laws' behavior, but also your reactions. Food for thought. Remember, knowledge is power, so find out as much as you can about your potential in-laws — forwarned is forearmed! Thankfully, I have to say, I've never had in-laws. Phew! The bottom-line is that you have to stand up for yourself in this life, whether you're married or not.
Visit Jenna's website at
Conclusion - If you need this book, chances are you shouldn't have got married.
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