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Suck on This Year - LYFAO@140 Characters or Less
by Denis Leary
ISBN 978-0-670-02289-2
Published December 2010 - Hardcover - 104 pages - $18.00
Many of us, Denis Leary included, are still trying to come to grips with modern technology. I, for one, still don't know how to use an iPhone (I prefer a Netbook for my "portable internet") and I've never Tweeted. And, I don't get all the abbreviations, except that is, the very annoying and over-used LOL. [Have we become so bored with our own lives that we now need to wait with baited breath to see what others are doing? Usually it's ridiculously mind-numbing junk like they've just seen so and so, or just had a cup of delicious coffee, or anything else equally inane, useless, and time-wasting.] Now, Mr. Leary is a few steps ahead of me in that he does tweet, and usually at someone else's expense. In this little book of his he imparts fun and funny bits and bobs a la Twitter-style (basically one-liners) for us who don't have twitterers. [What do you call all these people who twitter? Twits. My joke, not Mr. Leary's.] Here are a few of his one-liners, er tweets. "Lettuce recalled in 23 states. Experts fear it could affect up to 5 Americans." Or this one: "Larry King puts his divorce on hold. And another one on marriage forwarding." What about this one? "The Pope is against gay marriage. This coming from a grown man who goes to work dressed like Lady Gaga." (illustration shows the Pope in full regalia.) My favorite tweet is this one: "Cheney gets heart pump implant. Lets all pray it's made by BP."
Visit Denis Leary's website. A portion of any profits the author earns from sales of this book will be donated to the Leary Firefighters Foundation. If he brings one of these books out a month, he'll make a lot of money for his charity.
Conclusion - Astute observations of the well-known who abound the airwaves. Buy a copy to help firefighters and have a few good laughs at the same time.
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