Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2004

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All Fishermen are Liars - True Tales from the Dry Dock Bar
by Linda Greenlaw
ISBN 1-4013-0070-7
Published July 2004 - Hardcover - 228 pages - $22.95

Author Linda Greenlaw, who wrote the bestselling "The Lobster Chronicles" (I've still got to read this one) and "The Hungry Ocean", is the first and only female swordfish captain in the Grand Banks fleet.  She lives on an island off the coast of Maine and captains her own lobster boat.  This book is a collection of true stories that involve her fellow fishing mates as told in their favorite watering hole, The Dry Dock Bar in Portland, Maine.  She claims to have "an excellent memory" and says these stores are true, despite the title of her book.  She relates scary stories of death and near-death on the ocean, as well as some interesting snippets about her best friend, one Alden Leeman.  This is an interesting insight into the world of the fisherman, and in this case, fisherwoman.  Greenlaw graduated from Colby College and majored in English and Government.  She's also put together a series of anecdotes in this book, called Bar Snacks, which go something like this: "Top Ten Fishermen's Lies" - #4. I'm a purist.  I only fish with flies.  Or, "Sea Slang" or perhaps a short story.  She relates how she was shunted around the Provincetown harbor by the harbormaster, when the boat she was delivering to the Caribbean, lost its generator.  While there for days on end, she and a crew member recall other trips they'd taken together.  Hurricanes, high seas, meeting a fugitive, dodging Mother Nature, and much more.  I liked that she explains the less familiar nautical terms - nothing more annoying than not knowing what something is and having to keep referring to a dictionary.
Conclusion - Not riveting but an easy-to-read book and interesting. BookBrowser


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