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Looking for and finding love (Mr or Ms Right) is what we all strive for yet so many of us go about things the wrong way. We end up attracting the wrong types, over and over, and wonder why we don't progress on the relationship ladder. For many of us the relationships barely make it to the first rung! We sabbotage ourselves at every turn and now, thanks to the lessons learned by others, there are books about how we can change ourselves and become receptive to the right people. This book is yet another in a long line of predecessors but seems pretty enlightening. Author Kathy Freston takes us through what worked for her - whether it's deep-breathing, saying mantras, being still, or through meditation. She has seven steps and even more steps to back them up, little prayers, and mantras to keep yourself on track. Basically, we have to reprogram our minds to get rid of misconceptions (and preconceptions) and get our minds into gear. Nothing happens overnight, sadly, so don't expect your miracles to appear tomorrow. How come there are so many relationships out there that just work without one having to go within oneself, I have to ask? Why does life have to be any more complicated than it already is? I guess you have to be ready to try something new.
Expect A Miracle - 7 Spiritual Steps to Finding the Right Relationship
by Kathy Freston
St. Martin's Press
ISBN 0-312-30408-0
Published December 2003 - Hardcover - 202 pages - $23.95
Conclusion - Great reading for anyone wanting to change the way they go about meeting new people and wanting to attract the "right" ones.
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