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Uncharted TerriTORI
by Tori Spelling
Gallery Books
ISBN 978-1-4391-8771-5
Published June 2010 - Hardcover - 214 pages - $25.00
I don't know where this woman finds time to write yet another book let alone be a wife, mother, actress, animal activist, and producer among other things. But, she does and she manages just fine, if the paparazzi aren't trailing her and her family's every move. They have enough cameras around their daily lives for their reality show, Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood. It's interesting reading about the "struggles" they have in finding the right home, and how ironic finding a small and unassuming place suited them the best. So much about what we "know" about Tori Spelling's life is speculation (anorexia, loveless marriage, etc.), that it's refreshing to hear the real stories, all told with a super sense of humor. She's really very funny and looks at her life so realistically that you have to laugh. And tear up at times when you hear how awful some people can be (and have been) towards her. Personally, I don't understand why people behave so badly towards others—perhaps insecurity, or more likely, jealousy. It sickens me no end. Even most of her 90210 "buddies" behaved deplorably towards her. She talks about everyday things like taking her son to school, meeting other mommies, shopping, eating out, dealing with paparazzi (okay, not so everyday), preparing meals, keeping house, talking an RV across the country (very funny and a little emotional), contracting H1N1 and being misdiagnosed (horrors!), her perfectionism (horrible, isn't it?), Christmas parties, her cute little daughter (the spitting image of Dean), and much more. If you don't know about Tori's love of dogs, you don't know Tori. I burst out crying when they met Murray. I love dogs too, but don't have any of my own. This touched me more than her reunion with her mother. [I read this on Thanksgiving Day so it was particularly moving.] You'll discover the reality behind Tori and Candy's troubles and their happy resolution. A life so like everyone else's in many ways, yet a million miles away at the same time. Find the common ground. It's always a joy to read of the love one feels towards one's spouse, and Tori's one lucky lady to have the love of her life in her life.
Read my reviews of sTORI TELLING, Mommywood and CelebraTORI—Unleashing Your Inner Party Planner to Entertain Friends and Family.
Conclusion - As always, a great and eye-opening read. Continue to do great work Tori, you're amazing.
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