Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2004

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Devil at My Heels
by Louis Zamperini with David Rensin
ISBN 0-06-018860-X
Published January 2003 - Hardcover - 292 pages

He says of his boyhood, "I was just a social misfit."  Louis Zamperini led a colorful life as a boy, getting up to more mischief than most, and getting away with it.  Growing tired of dodging the law, he, with the help of his brother, turned to running and quickly became exceptionally good.  Ultimately competing in the Olympics!  He consciously made an effort, both on the track and in the classroom, to clean up his act.  After joining the war effort (World War II) and subsequently his plane crashing into the Pacific Ocean, he and two others stayed afloat for 47 days before being rescued by the Japanese.  He was weakened physically but not mentally.  He became a Japanese POW for over two years and recalls that time in harrowing detail.  After everything he'd been through, and miraculously survived, his encounter with Billy Graham would be the most profound.  He learned to forgive his captors and went on to live a rich and fulfilling life. The horror of war is made clear by Mr.Zamperini eloquently telling his side of the story.  It opened my eyes and shocked my socks off.  What an utterly brave and courageous man he is.  This book has easily become one of my all-time favorites and I highly recommend it.  I found his outlook positively wonderful and one to emulate.
Conclusion - Truly inspirational, mind-blowing, and extraordinarily gracious.

Review copy not supplied by publisher - library copy reviewed. BookBrowser

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