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A quick and rather humorous read as Rosie relates her coming to know, and helping, a potential birth mother via her adoption organization. Her amazingly good heart, her compassion, and her steely determination (she calls it obsessive compulsive), all help make who she is - someone we would all like to have in our lives - someone who really cares. Her dogged enthusiasm and belief (sometimes disbelief, but then who of us is ever totally sure?) in her commitment to others, is an example to one and all. We may not have her money or status but then lending a helping hand shouldn't cost anything. There's a surprising twist to her tale however - a little on the bizarre side but then there's nothing straightforward about Rosie, or what she gets up to. The proceeds from this book goes to charity.
Review copy not supplied by publisher - library copy reviewed.
Find Me
by Rosie O'Donnell
Warner Books
ISBN 0-446-53007-7
Published April 2002 - Hardcover - 213 pages
Conclusion - A great story and a good insight into this charming lady's heart.
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