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Paperie for Inspired Living - Stationery and Decorations for Weddings, Parties, and Other Special Occasions
by Karen Bartolomei
Potter Craft
ISBN 978-0-307-44943-6
Published September 2009 - Hardcover - 160 pages - $24.95
The desire in some people to create stuff is overwhelming. I know it's exciting to make something yourself, either for yourself or to share, but unless it's a business or crafts-for-profit, I cannot see the average person having the time to make some of these paper crafts on offer. For example, The Oscars ensemble or the Dinner Party array of goodies. They're just too complicated, time-consuming, and personally, rather juvenile and unnecessarily laborious. However, if you have all the intention of making crafts for a living, and want to include "games" and an excessive amount of labels, envelopes, wrappers, and more, you're going to love this book. The beautiful illustrations are alluring with all their color and style, but for me, not enough to make me want to make my own Lottery Ticket Favors or a Birthday Crown. However, and a big HOWEVER, there are projects I wouldn't mind making, like custom paperweights and an inspiration board although not as elaborate as the one on page 31. Also, if you're not one who is able to draw or paint well, many projects can be made on your computer and printer which is handy. Some other projects you might want to try include menus, soap wrappers, invitations, business cards, and labels and tags among others. There are handy Guidelines at the end of the book in case you're not familiar with the wording etiquette on invitations, and there are some templates.
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Conclusion - Interesting and some novel ideas.
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