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Only With Passion - Figure Skating's Most Winning Champion on Competition and Life
by Katarina Witt with E.M. Swift
Public Affairs
ISBN 978-1-58648-274-9
Published January 2007 - Hardcover - 170 pages - $23.50
This is the story of Katarina Witt's life, as told to an imaginary person named Jasmine ("... Jasmine isn't her real name, nor is she a real person but rather a composite of several young people I know.") who "spent a few days with me this spring, and during her stay we discussed these questions [ones Witt has been asked throughout her career], and many more things." Personally, I found reading about real questions about her life and career that she discussed with someone (or did she?), rather weird. I felt the book wasn't that believable because it was distracting. In a roundabout way she tells about her life as a professional ice skater, the competitions she took part in, the hardships and joys, her relationships with other professionals, with family and friends, and her romantic interests. Not very revealing or forthcoming and thus not very interesting from the reader's point of view. I have to admit that I gave up half-way—it's too confusing and never once drew me in.
Conclusion - Not an easy story to follow as it's presented. I would have preferred Witt to tell me her story instead of to an imaginary person. Just weird.
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